Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Misunderstanding

Is it the abortion pill or just another pill to take. In fact the so-called abortion pill, called Plan B, is simply a super shot of birth control. It is not something that women take to abort an unwanted pregnancy as some may think like the woman discussed in the video. In fact it is not even possible that the pill could cause death to a fetus because it is supposed to be taken within three days after unprotected sex, and pregnancy does not actually occur until after that three day period. Even if the pill was taken by a pregnant woman, it would do no damage to the unborn fetus and certainly would not cause an abortion. Like the woman in the video said, it is the same exact birth control that women already take, just in a higher dose. Any questions that people have about the medication can be looked up online or read on the back of the box it comes in.

Something else that was discussed in the video that I would like to cover is the fact that women under the age of 18 need a prescription and parental consent in order to obtain the pill. The lady in the video seems to think that there should be no proof of age for the pill and even compares it to other methods of birth control. She asks the question whether or not condoms should require proof of age, making it sound ridiculous. First of all, condoms are a completely different form of birth control, and do not affect hormones the way birth control pills do. Also there are other forms of contraception that also affect hormones and require prescription or at least a trip to the doctor, so using condoms as an example was not effective. I believe that a prescription by a doctor should be needed in order for a girl under the age of 18 to obtain the Plan B pill. This is because technically someone under the age of 18 is still a minor and therefore the parents are responsible for the well being of their child. So in the least, a doctor should discuss the options with their underage patient, and provide a prescription if needed. The medicine could affect younger people differently than older people. Any parent or would be quite angry with the pharmacist who issued the medicine to the underage girl, without a prescription. This is if something went wrong of course. If an older person buys the medicine for a younger woman, then that is something that is out of control of the pharmacist and is bound to happen anyway. Children always sneak around and that is something that also happens in other aspects of life, so it is unavoidable.

As for the pharmacists who refuse to issue the pill to women of any age, because of their own personal religious beliefs, they should have thought about that before they took the Hippocratic Oath. They took that oath saying that they would help anyone to the best of their ability according to the law, and refusing something to someone in need at the pharmacy goes against that oath. If a pharmacist with extreme right-wing views refuses to distribute birth control of any form, then they should provide a pharmacist in their pharmacy who will. What do you think?

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I have some very mixed opinions when it comes to the main controversial topics like abortion and the death-penalty. But one that I have mainly one stance on is gay marriage. I have a few friends that are gay, and i do not see how gay men or women getting married should affect anyone negatively.
Many people are against gay marriage because they believe that it goes against God's will and that only a man and a woman should get married. My point against that is there are many different regains and not everyone believes in the same thing. Marriage for some people takes place in a city hall or drive through chapel in Las Vegas. Therefore someone of a different religion should be able to marry who they want; men or women.
People also are against gay marriage because of what they see in the public eye. But honestly, how many times do you see gay couples publicly displaying affection in an obnoxious way. Not that often, This is probably because of the negative way some people treat gay couples. This is not right, and men and women should be able to love whomever the want, and have the same rights as heterosexuals married couples.
People should not be so concerned with what goes on in the privacy of someone else's love life. A gay couple getting married does not hurt anyone or hurt the view of a perfect marriage, because honestly, it is the divorce rate of men and women that hurts the view of marriage. Not gay marriage. I say it's okay for gay couples to get married because it does not affect me and doesn't affect anyone negatively. What about you? Are you for or against gay marriage?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The cost of Meds

I find this image to have a lot of controversy over it in many different ways. Although I think the image is not too controversial, it shows that there is a price to staying healthy if you are relying on synthetic pills that have been made in a lab. The cost, time, and amount of testing it takes to create a pill that works is intense.
It takes millions of tests to produce a working drug, and takes years to get it right with trials and testing to make sure it will not kill anybody that takes the drugs. I think that the cost of some medicine should be set higher, so maybe that would help people realize that the need to start working harder to care for their health instead of relying on pills to stay healthy.
That said, some people can not help what is wrong with them like the people with disorders, illnesses, diseases, or injuries due to accidents, and some people that have serious problems. Therefore I think it is important to for this nation to have good health care coverage.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Life of an artist (Interview)

Messy crayon marks on paper, squiggly lines on construction paper. This sounds like the work of an average 5 year old. But it could be the beginning of an artist.
Cara who is a 21 year old Senior at McDaniel Collage. She also lives on a farm and is used to getting messy with animals and being outdoors, surrounded by nature. While being outdoors, she also takes pictures, because she is a photographer and an artist. Nature is the main subject of her photographs and an inspiration for her paintings and drawings. "Lately, I've been inspired by nature in my art," says Cara.
Art has always been a part of here life and she is always drawing or taking pictures. Cara says, " I've been drawing since I was old enough to make lines on paper with my crayons." People who have inspiration her to pursue this path in life, have been her parents and brother. Family is important to her and he art centers around nature & other objects found around her home.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Observation Mark Owens

The smell of gas,grease and engine emissions, can tell you a lot about where you are at. In this case, I happened to be at the train and bus station in down town Frederick. From my resting spot across from the station, I observed the busy comings and goings of the passengers of the buses.
Every day people ride buses traveling to and from all different places. There are many questions we have with buses and the people riding on them. How long are they on the buses, what do these people carry with them? And can we tell where they are going or what they are doing by what they are wearing or what they are saying.
When I first arrived at the station, there was one man sitting on a bench waiting for the buses to arrive. The first bus got there about two minutes after I did. Then about five more came, in one minute there was nothing but the sound of cars driving by, then there was the sound of all the buses as they were idle waiting for the passengers to exit or enter them. The buses stayed there for about 7 to 10 minutes in that time about ten plus people got on and off the buses with limited interaction with each other. Its surprising to me from an observation point how people do not interact with each other as they pass going from one bus to another or a cab. This shows how people in society are usually self focused. People were more concerned with their own lives, talking on their cell phones. Because of the little interactions between the passengers, the main sounds are the buses, and the noisy construction coming from behind the buildings behind me.
When the buses are gone and there are no more passengers (not until the next bus), the only things really moving are the flags waving in the breeze, and the cars passing by. Not too mutch happens at a bus station at 11:15am on a weekday.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Memory Mark Owens

A memory that clearly sticks out in my mind, is the time my car was destroyed. I was not a part of the accident but I saw it happen and it is something that will always be a strong memory.
As a favor to a good friend, I let him borrow my car, while I rode my motorcycle. One day we were driving on the same road together, and I was behind him when he started to speed up. His back tire hit a drain on the road, and the back tire popped off the ground. He was going about 80 mph when he lost control of the vehicle. Then he hit a curb and then a light pole, which caused the car to spin ten feet in the air. When the car smashed against the ground, I turned around on my bike, and saw the damage done to the front of the car. I made sure he was okay before, I stepped back and examined the damage further and let the anger wash over me.
Now that my car is gone, I realize how much I miss it and how convenient it is to have a car. My friend has since paid me back for what the car was worth, and I am grateful that no one was hurt and simply try to put the memory out of my head, even though it is impossible to forget.

Monday, September 7, 2009

life is short Mark Owens

I am making this blog because it is required for my English class it will also be cool to express my views on life. Life is to short so you should live it to its fullest with out regrets, don't stop just keep going every day all day having fun while you are living life to its fullest.